Personalization designed for fashion retailers
Products automatically tagged with 3x more detail. Data crunched for you. Fashion expertise overlaid. Dressipi does the heavy lifting so you can make a step-change in product discovery and revenue growth.

Provide a Consistent Source Of Accurate Product Data
Ensure there is quality, fashion-specific data that can be used intelligently throughout the business, increasing revenue and efficiency

Help All Visitors Find Their Best Products Faster
Provide intent-driven categories, filters & personalized recommendations for first time visitors as well as repeat customers

Create Customer-Centered, Fashion Experiences
Inspire with outfits relevant to each visitor, showing the value of every product & how to wear your brand their way
Delivering Relevancy at Scale, Requires Fashion-Specific AI at Scale
Our customers are delivering unprecedented profitable revenue growth, cost savings, improved customer experiences and loyalty across their business
Success Story
Fashion-specific AI business increases revenue per visitor by 5% and reduces returns by 2% for House of Bruar
Success Story
4% increase in Revenue per Visitor with 1:1 personalization at Country Road Group
Online shopping in the fashion industry is stuck in the 1990’s with personalization efforts only scratching the surface. They aren’t optimized for loyalty and profit and they definitely aren’t enough to survive the next industry disruptor.
Customers do not want a flat journey that shows the same products in the same order. They want an inspirational, hyper-personalized journey that is completely relevant to them. Netflix and Spotify have driven these personalization expectations and retailers need to take learnings from these companies that have redefined the discovery process.
Personalizing to the individual is a must and this is what makes Dressipi different. We’re like Netflix-level personalization for online-apparel retail.
Our industry is going through a big period of transformation, there are pressures on pricing, pressures on the supply chain and as brands are more accessible globally, the customer is increasingly fickle and harder to retain.
The cost of living crisis is going to hit hard so customers are going to have less disposable income therefore spending less on clothing. Retailers have to figure out how they get that customer to spend with them over other retailers - this means personalization has never been more important.
You need to make sure you show customers exactly what they want or need because you need to make sure their one purchase is with you.
Learn more about the importance of personalization - and the possibilities it can unlock for your business - from our podcast with The Robin Report.
Our founders, Sarah McVittie and Donna North, set up Dressipi to help the apparel industry change.
Dressipi has spent years delivering fashion-specific algorithms, drawing on the expertise of some of the industry’s top stylists and experts. This focus on fashion is a key differentiator and why we consistently outperform our competitors’ general, cross industry approach.
Our long-standing clients are industry leaders and a testament to our passion and commitment. We have a proven track record of delivering value quickly, with results that are always externally validated. We’ve won leading industry awards and have been covered by some of the world’s most well-respected publications.
We’ve seen significant uplift across all of our clients’ KPIs with every solution we offer.
Product Tagging
10 %
sell-through rate
3 %pt
contributed margin
Product Discovery
12 %
more revenue
21 %
more profit
15 %
returns reduction
Product Experience
12 %
more revenue
10 %
more profit
5 %
Product Forecasting
5 %
gross margin impact
2 %
contributed profit
3 %
returns reduction